Integrate Os Command With Sqlplus

Integrate Os Command With Sqlplus

Enhance SQLPLUS with OS command

Do you feel we do need OS command just like grep, awk even perl, though the sql related functions of sqlplus are powerful? sqlplus-os integration component - host.sql is the utility addresses these needs.


  • Under sqlplus prompt environment
  • Pipe the output of sqls and commands of sqlplus into OS command input
  • Display the output direct to sqlplus prompt
  • Almost no harm to the sqlplus environment (except spool , termout , verify, echo - you can adjust yourself)


-- Original output
01:37:09 SYS(PROD)> desc dual
 Name                                                  Null?    Type
 ----------------------------------------------------- -------- ------------------------------------
 DUMMY                                                          VARCHAR2(1)
-- Using @host2 "desc dual" "grep D" 
-- Explain: redirect output of "desc dual" into "grep D" input
01:36:54 SYS(PROD)>
01:36:54 SYS(PROD)> @host2 "desc dual" "grep D"
01:37:09 SYS(PROD)> set echo off
 DUMMY                                                          VARCHAR2(1)
01:37:09 SYS(PROD)>
-- Using @host2 "desc dual" "head -n 2"
-- Explain: redirect output of "desc dual" into "head -n 2" input
01:50:06 SYS(PROD)>
01:50:06 SYS(PROD)> @host2 "desc dual" "head -n 2"
01:50:31 SYS(PROD)> set echo off
 Name                                                  Null?    Type
 ----------------------------------------------------- -------- ------------------------------------
01:50:31 SYS(PROD)>


set echo off
set termout off
set verify off
set time off
-- host.sql
-- osqlfuse package FUS component
-- @author f.yang
-- all rights reserved
-- @usage
-- from sqlplus
-- SQL> @host "sql/sqlplus command" "os command"
-- from os shell
-- echo @host '"desc dual"' '"grep D"' | sqlplus -S / as sysdba
-- @example
-- from sqlplus
-- SQL> @host "desc dual" "grep DUMMY"
--  DUMMY                                                          VARCHAR2(1)
-- from os shell
-- echo @host '"desc dual"' '"grep D"' | sqlplus -S / as sysdba
--  DUMMY                                                          VARCHAR2(1)
spool off
spool ''
prompt &1
spool off
spool ''
spool off
host cat | &2
set verify on
set termout on
set time on
set echo on


host cat


  • Error of command

you can check the error output of middle step SQL/SQLPLUS with @hosttmp

  • affection of spool

for the restriction of sqlplus substitution variable functions, I have to use spool function. As the result, the script make the spool setting to off.

See Also:
Integrate OS Command With Sqlplus (Japanese)